Welcome, I’m Nicky Moelholm and this is my personal web site. Here you find my blog containing posts about everything from software engineering to running.
About me
I live in Billund, Denmark, with my wonderful family: Teresa and our 3 children, Isabella, Noah, and Casper. Oh … and our cute dog, Nala (she’s a Jack Russel Terrier).

I run a lot these days. In fact it may be borderline crazy to most folks; I am primarily a trail and ultra runner. Trail runs are just everything besides normal road running. Ultra running is the crazy part; they begin after the Marathon distance: a 43 kilometer run is an ultra run. Typically they are longer though - popular distances are: 50 kilometers, 80 kilometers (50 miles), 100 kilometers and 160 kilometers (100 miles).

Software Engineer at The LEGO Group
I currently work for The LEGO Group as a Software Engineer on the ILSP product team.

The ILSP team is responsible for sending and receiving data from The LEGO Group’s third party logistics service providers (those that operate our Distribution Centers / warehouses). My role on the team is development of application services as well as infrastructure etc. So technologies include stuff like; AWS Web Services (RDS, SQS, S3, IAM, …), Kubernetes (Helm, ArgoCD, …), Terraform IaC, GitHub Actions CI/CD, Java code, TypeScript code and C# code. We build and integrate with APIs using OpenAPIs and AsyncAPIs primarily.